Gareth Topham General Manager - Western Australia
Introduction: Gareth has been working in the Rail and Mining industries for well over 25 years delivering safety engineering and assurance solutions.
Delivering safety cases for a number of high profile rail projects in UK and Australia required engaging with key stakeholders from the client, suppliers, operators and regulators. Gareth was also lucky enough to lead the development of a global functional safety standard for one of the largest multinational companies working across a number of hazardous sectors including processing, rail, automation and machine safety.
Gareth has worked for both passenger and freight infrastructure owners and rolling stock operators and has been part of the international Engineering Safety Management Working Group since its inception, RISSB Working group member for Making Safe Decisions and Project Lead for the Global Mining Guidelines publications for both functional safety and system safety.
Gareth loves the challenge of complex projects and using his pragmatism to balance the needs of project delivery and ensuring practical controls are put in place to manage the risk. Gareth is a Chartered Engineer and has a Masters in Engineering Management and a Masters in Safety and Risk Engineering.